--On Monday, November 11, 2002 04:36:12 -0500 Gene Heskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Hi everybody;
> Its Gene, the old f--- ahhh, man, back from 2 weeks worth of trying 
> to make a tv station or 4 out of not very much.  Hindered by the 
> help that I was promised doing a disappearing act to goto a funeral 
> in texas on the second day, and turning it into 2 weeks vacation.  
> Damn, I just *love* being thrown to the wolves like that . . .
> Unforch, in the process of shutting things down as I was leaving for 
> the western slopes of colorado, I grabbed the wrong line cord and 
> did a rather instant powerdown on this machine, something that 
> appears to be a huge no-no for active ext3 systems.  To be exact, 
> it totally wrecked /, something I'm not a happy camper over at all.  
> I was under the impression that ext3 was never in an invalid 
> condition.  By-by about 30 gigs of data.  fsck reported many 
> thousands of inodes as invalid.  Bah!

I've had power failures on a couple of ext3 systems and only lost
the bit of data that was being written at the time, with no fsck
delays.  Sorry to hear it didn't work as well for you.

> So I fdisk'ed /dev/hda, re-arranged it a bit, formatted and 
> installed RH8.0, followed by ripping out their KDE and installing 
> the good KDE-3.0.4, or I woudn't even be doing email as evolution 
> doesn't seem to like pop servers at all.  It cannot send to one but 
> can suck from one.  Go figure.
> Anyway, the advise on how to recover useing tar & gzip doesn't seem 
> to want to work.  The only way to get dd to actually write a disk 
> file is with dd if=/dev/nst0 bs=32k of=tape.contents.# where the # 
> is a sequence # extension in /tmp.  And that only works if an 'mt 
> tell' says its at block 64.
> I can probably do a pretty good recovery IF I could figure out how 
> to keep tar from telling me its "not a tar file, skipping to the 
> next header".
> The worst part is that without any indexes, or a disklist (which 
> wouldn't be valid now anyway) I've N.D.I. whats been gzipped and 
> what hasn't.  My disklist was, shall we say, an eclectic mixture.
> My dumpcycle was 6 days, so the last 6 tapes should cover me ok.
> I'm dd'ing the tapes to the drive, and really should have enough 
> scratchpad room to pull this off as I'd added another 60 gig drive 
> just a month back.
> Ideas/hints/elevated noses/scorn/tar for dummys messages ?  Proper 
> tar syntax, etc ... will be very much appreciated.

So I assume you've already tried the instructions from the chapter?
What exactly did that result in?  The Amanda header blocks on the
tapes should give you the filesystem name and level, as well as the
command needed to do the restore. 


Frank Smith                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Administrator                                     Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online                                             Fax: 512-374-4501

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