> Yes, Amanda normally uses a different tape for each run.  If you are
> feeling lucky and have enough holdingdisk space, then you could just let
> the backups accumulate on disk and then flush them all to one
> tape the day before your full backup.

that could be a solution for me.

>   You are living dangerously with your current setup. Each time
> you write a tape you are overwriting the only copy of your data.
> If you ever have a tape error you have nothing to restore from.
> And if you need a file that was deleted the day before your full
> but wasn't new enough to be on your incremental then you are out
> of luck.

not really, in fact the datas are truncated to the previous datas,
i.e. the tape continues recording where it stopped.
Am I wrong ?

>   Amanda wasn't really designed for the all fulls on one night
> incrementals every other night schedule.  It can be forced to do it that
> way but it takes more work to set it up like that.  The idea of Amanda
> is to spread the fulls and incrementals around so as to use about the
> same amount of tape on each run.

Can you explain me what you mean by
'spread the fulls and incrementals around' ?

Thansk Frank !


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