(My apologies if this shows up twice - I sent this before confirming the subscription)

Can anyone tell me what this means?

I recently moved a linux system from a tower case to a rack case. Everything was wired up the way it was, and everything is working, except amanda. For some reason, it doesn't think there are tapes in the drive (a DLT4000).

I'm getting this error:

bash-2.04$ /usr/sbin/amcheck Daily
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /amanda: 1714756 KB disk space available, using 666180 KB
ERROR: /dev/nst1: no tape online
(expecting tape Daily05 or a new tape)
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Server check took 0.002 seconds

mt seems to work:

bash-2.04$ mt status
SCSI 2 tape drive:
File number=0, block number=0, partition=0.
Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x1a (unknown to this mt).
Soft error count since last status=0
General status bits on (41010000):

Could this be a messed up compression setting? I could really use some advice!

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