Despite Jon LaBadie's recent chastizing to "do it yourself", I thought I'd point out these wishes.
I may try to work on them at some point, perhaps they are already being fixed. Anyways...

When amdump hits the end of tape (or other tape error), it reports:

*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [[writing file: No space left on device]].
Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
Run amflush to flush them to tape.

Can't it check to see if any dumps actually have been left in the holding disk?

Related: If you run amflush and there is an empty date directory in the holding disk, it will run and increment the tape counter though nothing is written to tape. It would be nice if it didn't increment the count if it didn't write anything.

With amrecover, if you say "Y" to the load tape before the tape is done loading, you get a tape error. It asks whether you wan't to continue, but it doesn't give you the option to retry the tape, it just moves on to the next one.

Nothing too serious, just some minor issues that would make things a little more polished and fault tolerant.

Otherwise, I really dig this software. It solves just the problem I needed solved: backing up a large amount of data over time to relatively low capacity tapes and providing tape content management.

- Orion

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