This is correct. It depends on what c lib that tar was compiled with. See 
Tom's Root Boot website for an explanation of this. He distributes 2 versions 
of dd, one has Large File System support while the other does not. He goes 
into detail of the differences.

On Wednesday 20 November 2002 11:04 am, Christoph Scheeder wrote:
> Hi,
> Galen Johnson schrieb:
> > Jon LaBadie wrote:
> [....]
> > It might also be pointed out that 'tar' has this 2 Gb limitation, unless
> > they fixed it in 1.13.25.  I've run headlong into it before.
> >
> > =G=
> i think this is not correct. i've handeled archives > 2gb with tar 1.12.
> If you are on a filesystem with a 2 gb limit, your libc has a 2g Limit or
> the system your tar was compiled on had a 2gb limit, yes then tar too has
> the 2GB problem when reading/writing from/to hd.
> This was true for most intel-linux systems until auround the middle of this
> year. (don't remember exact time when it went away)
> Christoph

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