On Wednesday 20 November 2002 22:41, Gene Heskett wrote:

Yeah, I know, I'm talking to myself :-)  In some circles, thats 
considered to be 'poor form'.  But, see below.

>On Wednesday 20 November 2002 17:36, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
>>On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 01:47:50PM -0600, Deb Baddorf wrote:
>>> What kind of optimiaztion does amanda use while flushing
>>> dumps to tape?
>>> While doing the dump initially,  she seems to
>>> optimize to get the small jobs done first, and thus they
>>> go onto tape in a similar order.   But I'm currently without
>>> a stacker.  So only the first part of the dumps make it
>>> to tape "live"  (so to speak)  and the rest get flushed as I
>>> manually mount tapes.   I'm hoping that some kind of
>>> knapsack-packing algorithm is used ..... to fit the largest
>>> files on the tape first,   but then to add smaller ones to
>>> fill the top of the "sack".
>>>      My archival "do all the level 0's" is taking up 5 tapes,
>>> hence the optimization question!
>>There is no optimazation, first in, first out.
>>That's a need feature.
>Humm, from a recent example/amanda.conf:
>dumporder "sssS"        # specify the priority order of each
> dumper #   s -> smallest size
>                        #   S -> biggest size
>                        #   t -> smallest time
>                        #   T -> biggest time
>                        #   b -> smallest bandwitdh
>                        #   B -> biggest bandwitdh
>                        # try "BTBTBTBTBTBT" if you are not
> holding # disk constrained
>I'm assuming that when Deb asked about it, using the word
>'flushing', that Deb meant a normal amdump run as opposed to a run
>of amflush, or an autoflush.  I've no idea whether its active for
> a flush, or just an amdump run.  I have no idea if it even works,
> but I'll find out tonight if I can stay awake till then.  I just
> modified mine to do the biggest ones first, and amstatus should
> be able to see if its working that way pretty shortly after the
> estimates are done.

Yes, its working according to an 'SSSsss' setting from the looks of 
it, it started with /usr/src, nearly the last entry in the disklist 
which is nearly 2.7 gigs ATM.  It also tells me its going to skip 2 
entries tonight as they are too big, 1.6gb of music and 90 megs of 
/usr/X11R6 will get delayed till tomorrow night.  Obviously I'm 
just now getting amanda restarted after a disk crash.  I suppose it 
will take a week to get back to 'normal', whatever that is...

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
99.19% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly

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