On Thu, Dec 19, 2002 at 06:53:44PM -0500, Steve Bertrand wrote:
> In order to have indexing on your backups, you must specify 'index yes' 
> inside of the backup type in amanda .conf. ie:
> define dumptype nocomp-user {
>     comp-user
>     comment "Whatever comment you want"
>     compress client fast
>     priority medium
>     index yes
> }

Why does the conf file come without "index yes" in it already?

John Oliver, CCNA                            http://www.john-oliver.net/
Linux/UNIX/network consulting         http://www.john-oliver.net/resume/
***               sendmail, Apache, ftp, DNS, spam filtering         ***
****                Colocation, T1s, web/email/ftp hosting          ****

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