>So, what now?  It *still* doesn't see the disk in the local machine.

Some messages in this thread are missing, so I'm not sure what else went
on here.

I assume you've run amcheck?  And it doesn't have anything interesting
to say about /dev/hda1?

The next place to look would be the sendbackup*debug files on the client.
Find the one for this disk and see if it's reporting any problems.

>And amrecover is *still* trying to talk to "localhost".

The default server to talk to is built into the binary by whoever
configured your package.  You can override it with the -s and -t flags.
I usually run amrecover from within a shell script that figures all this
sort of stuff out.

>amanda is almost certainly using the resolver on the machine.  These
>little programs just make the C calls and rturn results.  dig will do
>that, too.

No, dig does *not* do that.  Dig calls the resolver directly.  That's not
what Amanda does.  Amanda makes the same C calls the little test programs
use.  Those C calls, in turn, look at OS configuration information to
find out how to do lookups.  It might be via the resolver.  Or it might
be from files (e.g. /etc/hosts).  Or from NIS, LDAP, tea leaves, phase
of the moon, etc.

So the little C programs are a better check when trying to figure
out Amanda lookup problems because they do exactly what Amanda does.
That's why I wrote them :-).

>John Oliver

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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