>> >> [Doug whining because he has to create those empty exlude files ...]

Jean-Louis> You can use the keyword 'optional' on your exclude
Jean-Louis> specification and amanda will not complain if the file
Jean-Louis> doesn't exist. You don't have to create empty files.

>> Cool! I don't see the particular syntax in the man page. (I was
>> afraid I'd just not read the page closely enough after the upgrade.
>> :))

Jean-Louis> The man page is clear:
  exclude [ list|file ][[optional][ append ][ "string" ]+]

Jean-Louis> So you need: exclude list optional ".amanda.excludes" Are
Jean-Louis> you looking at the man page for 2.4.3?

Sigh. I used a system with 2.4.2 on it. I found a 2.4.3 system and you
are right, there it is in the manual, clear as day. Where did I put
that baseball bat with RTFM carved into the end?

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