On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 01:22:49AM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> I get around that problem here with the use of an extra directory on 
> one of the drives here that has an rsync'd image of the stuff on 
> the other machine I use mainly for a firewall that I would normally 
> use samba for the backup data transport protocol.  rsync does not 
> seem to suffer from this foible.  cron fires off that script about 
> half an hour ahead of amanda.  So in fact I only backup this 
> machine as far as the entries in the disklist are concerned, but 
> that includes the images of the other machine.
> If you have the space, and rsync can run on the bsd box (it should) 
> then you may want to consider that alternative method.

Hmmm.  Well, yes, I could I suppose.  I'd have to do a little creative
repartitioning.  It just seems like this should be able to be solved
without such workarounds.

> Chuckle...
> No codicile about who sets it off?  I think I'd find a new insurer.

Heh.  Imagine my guffaws when I read through my policy and stumbled
upon THAT gem.  ;)


"Discharge of a nuclear weapon shall be deemed a warlike act,
even if accidental."       -- My homeowners insurance policy

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