I'm moving my amnda server from an HP-UX machine  to a FreeBDS 4.7-STABLE
machine and I have a couple of problems I'm hopeing some kind soul can help
me with.

First is device names. It looks like (from dmesg) that my SCSI DLT40 drive
is found at /dev/sa0. And Indeed I seem to be able to access it there.
However I don't see a /dev/sa0n. What would the no rewind device  be under

Second, the machine in question (the new tape/index) server, has been
aclient of the existing server since it was born. I have an user named
amanda, and historicaly amanda has belonged to the group opeerator. However
aparently that won't work for the server side?

I'm geting erros about planner, dumper, and amcheck not being SUID root.
Do they need to be owned ny root?

Thanks for any help on this.

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
                                                -- Benjamin Franklin

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