Jon LaBadie wrote:
> While I agree basically with you there can be cases where the scheduler
> fights a specific situation.  Suppose my Level 0's are 9-10 GB total
> and I'm using a DDS2 tape with 4GB capacity with a dumpcycle of 3 days.
> Works well for a single tape/dump usage with the Level 0's spread out.
> Further suppose I'm a small business with activity and operators available
> M-F only.  Thus I want to do 5 dumps a week.  However, every Monday, after
> missing dumps on 2 days, amanda will believe it is time for Level 0's for
> everything.  

Indeed, it is! :-)

> No spreading of Level 0's at all.  

Why do you say this? The 0's are *due* on Monday, in your example above.
Some of them will not make it to the tape, because the tape is smaller
than all the full backups, that's clear. AMANDA will find out the ones
that fit on the tape, under the restriction that there will be enough
space to also copy the incrementals (at least those that are very
important). So, ideally, some of the full backups will be on the tape,
as well as all incrementals. The rest of the fulls will be "delayed" and
the planner will tell me this and I will know why this is so, but I will
not worry. The next day, some of the delayed fulls will make it to the
tape, along with the incrementals of that day and so on. If my dumpcycle
is long enough, I will have all full backups by the end of it on *some*
tape, just not only on that of any specific day, but evely scattered on
all tapes. If not, either my dumpcycle is too small, or runspercycle is
too small, or both, or my tapes are hopelessly underdimensioned for the
task. It's as simple as that.


Chris Karakas

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