On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 01:04:33PM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> >If you follow amdump with an amtape eject command, will you not be
> >ejecting the tape in the 'current' slot?
> Thats how it would work here at any rate. Amanda does not change her
> notion of "slot" until the next invocation of amdump or amcheck, both
> of which apparently start out by searching for the next reusable tape.

Ah! That explains it then :-)

> I'd assume in those robots where it has an internal storage of 12 or
> more tapes, that an eject would mean it will bring that tape to the
> door for you to remove, in which case you would need to tell it which
> tape slot to give you the contents of. This would not be the same as
> ejecting a tape from a drive, which in larger libraries, there may be
> 2 or more of. I keep refering to 'magazine' because thats the 'style'
> mine is built as, which of course will not apply to all cases.

It's ok. I'm only using a pseudo-changer (i.e. three external scsi DLT
drives all connected to the same box), so I would have thought it would
be a common request, in this situation, to have amanda eject the tapes
it has just used.

I'd just like to make the job of changing the tapes as easy as possible
for the guy who ends up doing it, ya see.

> Not trying to confuse, my apologies if it does.

Not confusing. Interesting :-)



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