On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 01:55:32PM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Wednesday 22 January 2003 09:05, hochenaw wrote:
> >we have an HP Surestore dlt vs80e and use hp dlt IV tapes (capacity
> >40/80GB) under linux.

> >How can i activate software or hardware compression (cant find an
> >entry in amanda.conf, just Client or Servers best in dumptypes-file)?
> Hardware depends on the os in use.  Some os's have a choice of
> compressed or uncompressed drives in the device list and will turn the
> drives compression on and off according to the devicename you used to
> address it.  Linux does not however, so one must find the switch
> setting on the drive itself that turns this on/off.
> Off is the generally recommended hardware setting for use with amanda
> because if the machines have the horsepower to do their own
> compressing, they can often beat the hardware compression by quite
> useable amounts, thereby putting more on the tape than the hardware
> compressor can.

I use this in my /etc/modules.conf on Linux:
post-install st mt datcomp off

Which uses mt to switch off compression every time the module loader
autoloads the scsi tape driver.

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And Realaudio leads to suffering.
                -- Peter da Silva 

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