On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 11:48:06PM -0500, Scott Mcdermott wrote:
> John R. Jackson on Mon 27/01 21:37 -0500:
> > >   - the #ifdef NO_AMANDA stuff is pretty much exact duplication.
> > >     Anyone consider just moving this out into a library instead of
> > >     duplicating whole routines in rait-*.c ?
> > 
> > Yes, but Marc Mengel really (really :-) wanted to keep the code
> > isolated from Amanda so it could be used in other packages, so we
> > ended up with the "NO_AMANDA" stuff.
> Yeah but I mean...there's two copies of each of those routines :)
> How would moving the needed routines into a library that both Amanda
> itself, and amdd could link to (I gather that's what it's for, so an
> amdd can be compiled standalone), prevent it from being used in other
> packages?
> here is a list of duplicated symbols:
>    struct am_mt_status
>    amfree()
>    amtable_alloc()
>    tapeio_init_devname()
>    P()
> I'm looking at these notes:
>    * tape-src/amdd.c: Make sure this compiles "stand-alone".  To do so,
>      use: gcc -Wall -DNO_AMANDA amdd.c output-rait.c output-tape.c.
>    * tape-src/ammt.c: Make sure this compiles "stand-alone".  To do so,
>      use: gcc -Wall -DNO_AMANDA ammt.c output-rait.c output-tape.c.
> for one, it looks like stralloc() changes in 2.5 prevent these from
> compiling anyways.  So looks like now you have to duplicate that
> function too.

I changed that recently, I didn't know that they should compile stand-alone.
I will fix it.

>  How about we just move the functions to a library
> installed as /usr/lib/am* and the other stuff to a common header they
> both include?

He probably want a static binary that doesn't need amanda at all.

> one more thing I'm curious about: is the backwards C idiom
>    if (0 != sometestfunc())
> instead of the usual
>    if (sometestfunc() != 0)
> preferred by amanda developers, or Mr. Mengel? It's very strange to
> read, I've never seen it before :)

Marc's style.

Jean-Louis Martineau             email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Departement IRO, Universite de Montreal
C.P. 6128, Succ. CENTRE-VILLE    Tel: (514) 343-6111 ext. 3529
Montreal, Canada, H3C 3J7        Fax: (514) 343-5834

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