On 5 Feb 2003 at 9:01am, Eric Sproul wrote

> ? /dev/sda1: EXT2 directory corrupted while converting directory #41021
> ? 
> ?   DUMP: error reading command pipe: Connection reset by peer
> ?   DUMP: error reading command pipe: Connection reset by peer
> ??error [/sbin/dump returned 3]? dumper: strange [missing size line from
> sendbackup]
> ? dumper: strange [missing end line from sendbackup]
> \--------
> I tried looking for an explanation for the "EXT2 directory corrupted"
> dump message, but all I could find was basically "we don't know what it
> is, just fsck it and move on".  That isn't good enough for me.  ;) 
> Whatever it is, it doesn't seem to be causing grief to the server's
> normal operation, but it is preventing me from getting a backup.

This is really an ext2/Linux problem, not one with amanda.  Having looked 
around a bit, it does seem like your best option is fsck.  *Something* is 
wrong with the fs, and it may get worse which, of course, means you really 
want backups.

If you *really* can't take the server down to fsck it, you could try tar 
on that fs -- maybe it'll get by the corruption.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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