I can show you my .amanda.exclude for a Cygwin installation (attached). There is no problem with spaces.

By DLE I assume you mean the disklist file? Not sure how to get spaces in that. Have you looked at the source?


Richard Morse wrote:

Hi! This is probably a really easily answered question, but I'm not having
any luck finding it (probably going blind)...

I've got the 2.4.4b1 client set up on a cygwin machine. The backup is going
well, but in order to create a DLE, I had to do some aliasing. Is there a
way to specify a DLE like:
Xxxxx.xxxx.xxxx /cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/myuserfolder comp-tar

That is, include paths with spaces?

Alternatively, in the .amanda-gtar-excludes file, can I specify directories
with spaces? So I can exclude /Program Files?


./Documents and Settings/Owner/Local Settings/Temp
./Documents and Settings/Owner/Local Settings/Temporary Internet Files
./Documents and Settings/Owner/My Documents/Data/Mozilla/dpk/y59np5c1.slt/Cache
./Documents and Settings/Owner/Recent
./Documents and Settings/eb/My Documents/jmcscans
./Documents and Settings/eb/Local Settings/Temp
./Documents and Settings/eb/Local Settings/Temporary Internet Files
./Documents and Settings/amanda/Local Settings/Temp
./Documents and Settings/amanda/Local Settings/Temporary Internet Files
./My Download Files
./Program Files
./System Volume Information

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