I can't seem to get amrecover to work.
I have a single server running amanda, with an SDLT drive attached to it. All my clients are being backed up without problems. (I have done recent recoveries "manually.")
However, when I try to run amrecover from a client, when I issue the extract, amrecover fails and tells me to check the amidxtaped log file on the server.
I do and at the end of it I see:
Ready to execv amrestore with:
path = /usr/local/sbin/amrestore
argv[0] = "amrestore"
argv[1] = "-h"
argv[2] = "-p"
argv[3] = "/dev/nst0"
argv[4] = "lun"
argv[5] = "^/home$"
argv[6] = "20030120"
amrestore: could not open tape /dev/nst0: Permission denied
amidxtaped: amrestore terminated normally with status: 2
Rewinding tape: no tape online
amidxtaped: pid 27373 finish time Thu Feb 13 17:16:29 2003
the amrecover command I use on the client:
/usr/local/sbin/amrecover -C set1 -s godzilla -t godzilla -d /dev/nst0
godzilla is my amanda/tape server, lun is the client I'm trying to run it on.
all the clients are having no problem talking to /dev/nst0 on the tape server during backup, why would amrecover be having a problem. Something to do with having to run amrecover as root on the client ????
Clues ??
thanks ....

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