Hi again ;-)

Reading the text of the amadmin man page and its corresponding example, does it
mean that the backup of the 2000-11-06 is still on the holding disk disk (as
the tape or file is a tape label:000107) but that the one of 2000-11-07 was
already saved on tape? Aren't the backups put on that chronologically?

Just to reassure you, I'm going to put a doc online describing all my
discoveries so that other new users could look at it ;-)



>From the man page
       Locate backup images of /var from machine-c.  The tape or file col­
       umn displays either a tape label or a filename depending on whether
       the image is on tape or is still in the holding disk.  If the image
       is on tape, the file column tells you which file on  the  tape  has
       the  image  (file  number zero is a tape label).  This column shows
       zero and is not meaningful if the image is  still  in  the  holding
       disk.   The status column tells you whether the backup was success­
       ful or had some type of error.

     $ amadmin DailySet1 find machine-c /var
     date        host      disk lv tape or file                    file st

     2000-11-09  machine-c /var  0 000110                             9 OK
     2000-11-08  machine-c /var  2 000109                             2 OK
     2000-11-07  machine-c /var  2 /amanda/20001107/machine-c._var.2  0 OK
     2000-11-06  machine-c /var  2 000107                             2 OK
     2000-11-05  machine-c /var  2 000106                             3 OK
     2000-11-04  machine-c /var  2 000105                             2 OK
     2000-11-03  machine-c /var  2 000104                             2 OK
     2000-11-02  machine-c /var  2 000103                             2 OK
     2000-11-01  machine-c /var  1 000102                             5 OK
     2000-10-31  machine-c /var  1 000101                             3 OK

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