On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 04:24:24PM -0500, Shawn Sanders wrote:
> I am adding a new system to our amanda backup system.  The system has a
> LARGE filesystem so I have
> to use tar to divide it up some.  amcheck runs fine, but when amdump runs I
> get the following error
> in the email report : Request to hostname timed out
> The problematic client (Intel Solaris 8) gets this in the amandad.debug
> Amanda 2.4 NAK HANDLE 000-D0A00708 SEQ 1045598401
> ERROR amandad busy
> The server is running Redhat 7.2.
> The two directories I am backing up are 17/18GB.  The tar seems to be taking
> several hours
> to complete.  Do I need to adjust a wait state or perhaps I am missing
> something else.

Please check the sendsize debug files and find out how long estimates
are taking. If you are using an older version of GNUtar, estimates are
extremely slow. I recommend upgrading to 1.13.25

I would increase etimeout and dtimeout. From man amanda

      etimeout int
              Default: 300 seconds.  Amount of time per disk on a
              given client that the planner step of amdump will wait
              to get the dump size estimates.  For instance, with the
              default of 300 seconds and four disks on client A,
              planner will wait up to 20 minutes for that machine.  A
              negative value will be interpreted as a total
              amount of time, instead of a per-disk value.

       dtimeout int
              Default: 1800 seconds.  Amount of idle time per disk on
              a given client that a dumper running from within
              amdump will wait before it fails with a data timeout error.


 Alles Gute / best wishes  
     Dietmar Goldbeck         E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reporter (to Mahatma Gandhi): Mr Gandhi, what do you think of Western
Civilization?  Gandhi: I think it would be a good idea.

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