On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Richard Morse wrote:

> > Hello
> >
> > I'm trying to setup amanda2.4.4b1 on a win2000 machine with cygwin.
> >
> > I followed the instruction in the HOWTO for cygwin but have the
> > following problem.
> >
> > i run /usr/sbin/inetd -d on the win2000 machine
> > I run amcheck -c testdisk on my server
> >
> > on my 2000 machine  i got the follwoing messages
> >
> > someone wants amanda
> > +closing from 16
> > 848 execl /usr/local/libexec/amandad
> > 848 reaped, status 0x100
> > restored amanda, fd 16
> >
> Hi!  I got these exact same messages (modulo a few numbers).  One 
> possibility is that you didn't use tabs in all the correct places in 
> inetd.conf?  Also, try seeing how it works if you have inetd set as a 
> service.
> You can add it as a service with /usr/sbin/inetd --install-as-service, 
> and you can then uninstall it with /usr/sbin/inetd --remove-as-service.
> I found that the -d option didn't let it work, while it did when 
> running as a service...
> Ricky

Well thanks for your answer 

but i got exactly the same result.

I have to admit i m not an windows2000 guru.

But as i run a localized version of win2000 ( french one ) is the value
SYSTEM still exact or should i localize too?

Eric Doutreleau
I.N.T                   | Tel   : +33 (0) 160764687
9 rue Charles Fourier   | Fax   : +33 (0) 160764321
91011 Evry   France     | email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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