On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 03:05:24PM +0100, Ra?l Wild-Spain wrote:
> Hi!  I've installed in my debian the amanda system. Thank's to amcheck it seems my 
> config is ok, but I've some doubts and questions (it's no clear for me).
> 1) My tape is a PowerVault (the server is a dell poweredge 4400) and I make use of 
> dds4 tapes ( 40gb ). I've typed the following descriptors in my amanda.conf:
> define tapetype DDS-4-20{
>  comment "DDS-4 PowerVault without compression"
>  length 20000 mbytes
>  filemark 65 kbytes
>  speed 1255 kps
> }
> define tapetype DDS-4-40{
>  comment "DDS-4 PowerVault with compression"

Is this hardware compression?  If using software compression,
the capacity is still to be listed as ~20GB.

> DDS-4-20

I know dumptypes can include other dumptypes, but can tapetypes do so also.
Besides, the speed would differ for HW compression on and off.  Then again,
the speed value is unused, so what's it matter :)  I don't know if filemark
size would change.

>  length 40000 mbytes
> }
> Then my tapetype var is:     tapetype DDS-4-40
> Do I suppose this will work properly?  Have anyone experience with DDS-4 tapes and 
> amanda?

Lots of people.

> 2) I still haven't the tapes (quantity) , but I must demonstrate to my "boss" that 
> amanda works and will work. Then, I've only 2 tapes dds4 and I thinked the following:
> - doing a full backup every week (on friday night) ( simple ;-) ).
> I've labeled the tapes ( tape01, tape02) and I would like to configure my 
> amanda.conf to this way. (the first week amanda demands to me tape01 .. the next 
> week tape02 ... 01 ... 02 .. )
> I've tried to configure my amanda.conf but I'm not sure it's ok. I've the following:
> dumpcycle 0
> runspercycle 2

Can you fit two runs into a zero size cycle?
I think the runspercycle is meaningless for dumpcycle 0.
But two seems silly.

> tapecycle 2 tapes
> runtapes 1
> tapetype DDS-4-40
> ... etc
> and my crontab.amanda runs amdump every friday night.
> Is this ok? I must to change anything?

That is going to take a long time to convince your boss that amanda is working.
One run/week?   For testing/demo, why not run it nightly or business nightly?

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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