>I'm trying to restore a directory on one of our servers.  First, I
>want the directory to reside in a temporary location before I move it
>to its original location.  I ran the following command in the temp
>amrestore /dev/nst0 <hostname> /.1/shares
>Now I have a file in my temp directory named
><hostname>._.1_shares.20030206.0.  I've tried to tar it to expand the
>contents but the server just sits there, even when running tar
>overnight.  I used:
>tar xvpS <hostname>._.1_shares.20030206.0
>What am I doing wrong?  I need to be able to pull a certain directory
>out and trash the rest.  Any help will be appreciated.

It's been my understanding that you can only use amrecover for individual files, and 
amrestore for entire filesystems. (I could be wrong) And in order to use amrecover, 
you have to have your dumptype index parameter set to yes somewhere in your config. 
Also, you need to have amindexd and amidxtaped installed.

# amrecover configname

you should see come connection information and then an amrecover> prompt. from here 
you can set the date, the host, the disk. You can cd and ls within the amrecover 
session and then add the file, once it's added then extract. NOTE: wherever you are at 
the time in which you amrecover is where the file will restore. 

Hope this helps...good luck.

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