On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 05:57:14PM +0000, Simon Young wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 09:20:22AM -0800, John Oliver wrote:
> > The dumps were flushed to tape Indyme014.
> > The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cat /etc/amanda/DailySet1/tapelist
> > 20030303 Indyme014 reuse
> > 20030228 Indyme013 reuse
> > 20030227 Indyme012 reuse
> > 20030227 Indyme011 reuse
> > 20030226 Indyme010 reuse
> > 20030225 Indyme009 reuse
> > 20030221 Indyme008 reuse
> > 20030220 Indyme007 reuse
> > 20030219 Indyme006 reuse
> > 20030218 Indyme005 reuse
> > 20030215 Indyme004 reuse
> > 20030214 Indyme003 reuse
> > 20030213 Indyme002 reuse
> > 20030212 Indyme001 reuse
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]#
> > 
> > Why isn't it telling me it wants 001?
> I would reckon it's because you have tapecycle set to a number greater
> than 14 in your amanda.conf - If this is the case, amanda's going to ask
> for a new tape until it reaches this number.


Thanks... :-)

John Oliver, CCNA                            http://www.john-oliver.net/
Linux/UNIX/network consulting         http://www.john-oliver.net/resume/
***               sendmail, Apache, ftp, DNS, spam filtering         ***
****                Colocation, T1s, web/email/ftp hosting          ****

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