
My machine runs amanda-2.4.4.

amrecover reports:

EOF, check amidxtaped.debug file on barracuda
amrecover: short block 0 bytes
amrecover: Can't read file header
extract list - child returned non-zero status: 1


amidxtaped: debug 1 pid 12985 ruid 550 euid 550: start at Wed Mar 5 14:19:03 2003
amidxtaped: version 2.4.4
amidxtaped: time 0.000: > SECURITY USER root
amidxtaped: time 0.000: bsd security: remote host barracuda user root local user general
amidxtaped: time 0.001: amandahosts security check passed
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > CONFIG=testSet
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > LABEL=testSet1
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > FSF=1
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > HEADER
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > DEVICE=/home/general/testSet1
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > HOST=^barracuda$
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > DISK=^/junk$
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > DATESTAMP=20030305
amidxtaped: time 0.001: > END
amidxtaped: time 0.002: amrestore_nargs=0
amidxtaped: time 0.002: Ready to execv amrestore with:
path = /usr/sbin/amrestore
argv[0] = "amrestore"
argv[1] = "-p"
argv[2] = "-h"
argv[3] = "/home/general/testSet1"
argv[4] = "^barracuda$"
argv[5] = "^/junk$"
argv[6] = "20030305"
amrestore: error reading file header: Is a directory
amidxtaped: time 0.006: amrestore terminated normally with status: 2
amidxtaped: time 0.006: rewinding tape ...
amidxtaped: time 30.105: tape_rewind: rewinding tape: /home/general/testSet1: Inappropriate ioctl for device
amidxtaped: time 30.105: pid 12985 finish time Wed Mar 5 14:19:34 2003

Could anyone please give me an interpretation and how to correct it??

This is a tapeless backup. (That's why it has /home/general/testSet1)

Thanks in advance.

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