On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 at 11:31am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

> I am observing that high capacity tapes continue to be expensive, while
> high capacity disk drives continue to fall in price at an astrounding
> rate.  Non-tape writable media are also cheap and falling, though they
> tend to be lower capacity.


This is a *very* common discussion -- see the archives of this list or 
google in comp.arch.storage.  Tape still has a lot of advantages, 
especially when it comes to archiving.  
> In any event, it would be a good idea for Amanda to be ready to support
> direct access devices as an output medium one of these days.

Amanda already support backup directly to files on disk.  It's trivial to 
then move those to your output medium of choice.

> (The changes won't be hard.)

Patches accepted, as they say.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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