Dr. Kirby,

We have used amanda for backup of about 65 workstations and servers for going 
on five years now here at corporate research for Goodyear.  Currently, we 
backup about 700GB.

> We use amanda at the CSREES agency of U.S. Dept of Agriculture. We use it on
> our Linux and unix servers. We back up approximately 30 Gigs of data with
> it.
> Michael Martinez
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Gene Heskett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 9:34 AM
> > To: Dr. David Kirkby; Amanda Users
> > Subject: Re: Who uses amanda?
> > 
> > 
> > On Wed March 12 2003 06:59, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> > >Can anyone tell me if they use amanda and are a large commercial  
> > >company (> 250 employees), a hospital or a university and if so  how 
> > >much it's used (whole institution, small department, single  server 
> > >etc). How many Gb do you back up (don't answer that if you  feel its 
> > >confidential, or you don't know).
> > >
> > >I don't work in computer support but are aware there is a talk of  
> > >buying a Veritas backup package at academic discount (around 800  UK 
> > >pounds or $1300). I wanted to know if amanda would be a 
> > viable  option. 
> > >I guess there are going to be issues bought up about  support, 
> > >stability, the importance of backups etc. I'd like to  know of big 
> > >organistations using the software and if they have  compared it to 
> > >Veritas.
> > 
> > You obviously have, in such a situation, a need for a library, and 
> > one with multimegabyte a second drives in it.  This will be far 
> > more important in terms of getting the backups done in a timely 
> > manner in the wee hours than the software you use to accomplish 
> > that.
> > 
> > Also far more costly than the software even if it was arkeia or 
> > veritas.
> > 
> > But since amanda is a client/server setup, and the client can be 
> > told to do the compression, the next consideration would be the 
> > occupied network bandwidth while the backup is running.  Using 
> > client compression can make night and day differences in the 
> > network loading and its general useability while the backup is in 
> > progress.  You'll need at least 100baseT if its going to get well 
> > into the 10's of gigabytes per session.
> > 
> > IMO amanda is a viable option, here's why:
> > 
> > Support: I'd be willing to bet you'll get help here at least as fast 
> > as you'll get it from veritas, we're (some of us) awake all around 
> > the world on a 24/7/365 basis.  Veritas keep office hours.
> > 
> > Stability: I've been running the latest snapshots, and have yet to 
> > feel the need to come back to this list and report that 
> > snapshot-version-date so-and-so was busted for my little 2 machine 
> > home system.
> > 
> > And we have been told that the United States Dept. of Agriculture 
> > has been using amanda for quite some time, and I believe that would 
> > qualify as a large organization.  However, I'd expect that, except 
> > for the Washington DC offices, is a distributed in little 
> > autonomous pieces setup.
> > 
> > >I looked at using amanda once for my home computer (Sun Ultra 80,  
> > >about 200 Gb of disk space over 4/5 drives, 40 Gb tape drive),  but 
> > >decided that for such a small system, a couple of unix shell 
> >  scripts 
> > >run by cron was all I needed, so never bothered using  
> > amanda. I know 
> > >shell scripts are currently used here but we  intend 
> > expanding the disk 
> > >space by quite a lot.
> > >
> > >So basically:
> > >a) I know little about amanda
> > 
> > We were all there once :)
> > 
> > >b) Have no intention of using it myself for my home computer, but  
> > >wonder if its a variable option in a university department (~100  
> > >staff).
> > 
> > Why not?  For a home system, its a piece of cake.  I have a 4 tape 
> > magazine drive, so I don't have the daily chore of remembering to 
> > change the tapes.  Amcheck emails me to remind me it couldn't find 
> > the next tape it needs, half a day before its actually needed, so 
> > the responsibility of seeing to it the proper tapes are loaded is 
> > mine.  Not too bad on an every 4th day schedule.  Other than that, 
> > once up and running, that is the sum total of human intervention 
> > required to run amanda.  If I had a 30 tape library, I could close 
> > the door and lock it, but then I do a 5 day cycle to get everything 
> > in a full, and have 28 tapes in the pool, so I have over 4 full 
> > fulls on hand at any one time.  Paranoid maybe...
> > 
> > Besides, doing it on your home system will automaticly make you an 
> > expert when the university deploys it.
> > 
> > >
> > >Dr. David Kirkby PhD,
> > >Senior Research Fellow,
> > >Department of Medical Physics,
> > >University College London,
> > >11-20 Capper St, London, WC1E 6JA.
> > >Tel: 020 7679 6408 Fax: 020 7679 6269
> > >Internal telephone: ext 46408
> > >e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >Web page: http://www.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/~davek
> > 
> > -- 
> > Cheers, Gene
> > 99.24% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly
> > 

Wayne Richards                          Phone:  330 796-4462
Goodyear Tech Center                    Fax:    330 796-3947
Department 431A                         e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 3531
Akron, OH  44309-3531

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