On 18 Mar 2003, briner wrote:

You should follow the instruction that you found in this mail


Morevover u should switch to a version of snapshot after the 20032802 in 
order to have amrecover use correctly the changer.

Hope that help
> hi,
> I'm wondering if there is a way in the case where we use amanda with a
> tapeless system (HD disk), to emulate such a tape-changer that is a
> script which change the link "data" to the good HD
> in my case
> +amanda.conf has the follwing line:
>     tapedev "file:/unige/amanda/bckp/"
> +ls -l /unige/amanda/bckp/
>    /unige/amanda/bckp/data -> sb03_1/
>    /unige/amanda/bckp/info
>    /unige/amanda/bckp/sb01_1 -> /net/obssb1/export/diskB1/1/ 
>    /unige/amanda/bckp/sb01_2 -> /net/obssb1/export/diskB1/2/
>    /unige/amanda/bckp/sb02_1 -> /net/obssb2/export/diskB1/1/
>    /unige/amanda/bckp/sb02_2 -> /net/obssb2/export/diskB1/2/
>    /unige/amanda/bckp/sb03_1 -> /net/obssb3/export/diskB1/1/
>    /unige/amanda/bckp/sb03_2 -> /net/obssb3/export/diskB1/2/
>    /unige/amanda/bckp/sb05_1 -> /net/obssb5/export/diskB1/1/
>    /unige/amanda/bckp/sb05_2 -> /net/obssb5/export/diskB1/2/
> so as you imagine, i'm changing automatically with a script the link
> data to one of the "tape"Disk.
> But is there an other smarty way to do this through a special changerdev
> which will make things much more easier!
> briner

Eric Doutreleau
I.N.T                   | Tel   : +33 (0) 160764687
9 rue Charles Fourier   | Fax   : +33 (0) 160764321
91011 Evry   France     | email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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