On Thursday 20 March 2003 01:50 pm, bao wrote:
> Jon, I have done some search for Linux file size. It says:
> For ext2/3 and kernel 2.4.x, file size: ~ 4TB, filesystem size: ~ 1TB.
> Obviously, it can't be the kernel that imposes this limit. Morever, I
> was able to get a dump, using tar, of size > 9 GB. If the OS has a limit
> of 2GB, I wouldn't have gotten this far.
> I have a feeling that while searching for the specified file to recover,
> it somehow exhausts system mem with a size of 9 GB, in only one tar
> file. Now that is just a guess, because I don't know how tar searches
> for file in its archive.
> Anyone ever tried anything that big? in just on file?? and been
> successfullly recover it ???

  I have restored tar files > 9GB, but that was on a reiserfs filesystem, and 
my system has 1GB of RAM.

  I think I see your problem (someone please correct me if I just read this 

>From your original message:
> argv[0] = "amrestore"
> argv[1] = "-p"
> argv[2] = "-h"
> argv[3] = "/home/general/testSet1"
> argv[4] = "^barracuda$"
> argv[5] = "^/junk$"
> argv[6] = "20030305"
> amrestore: error reading file header: Is a directory
> amidxtaped: time 0.006: amrestore terminated normally with status: 2
> amidxtaped: time 0.006: rewinding tape ...
> amidxtaped: time 30.105: tape_rewind: rewinding tape: 
> /home/general/testSet1: Inappropriate ioctl for device

  You didn't give the right arguments to amrestore, You specified your two 
flags "-p -h", but then gave a diskname. The next argument to amrestore must 
be either the tapedevice (e.g., /dev/nst0) or a holding file. You'll notice 
that it said, "amrestore: error reading file header: Is a directory". This is 
because it is trying to read the file header from a directory 
(/home/general/testSet1), rather than a tape. Later it says, 
"/home/general/testSet1: Inappropriate ioctl for device", because it is then 
trying to rewind the directory. Clearly this is innapropriate. :)

  Hope this helps you out.

|Christopher Dahn          | Software Engineering Research Group,|
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