
I'm having problems getting amanda (2.4.1p1) configured to use gnutar.
may be a different way to do what I need and if so please let me know.
are trying to back up files from a NAS device.

When I run amcheck I get a message that says

Error: tycho.wmi.com: [Can not execute /usr/libexec/runtar: Permission

I'll try to anticipate stuff you might need to help me on this. My
permissions look
like this

-rwxr-xr-x   1 backup   backup      59988 Aug  7  2000
-rwsr-x---    1 root        backup      79981 Aug  7  2000
-rwsr-x---    1 root        backup      46768 Aug  7  2000

This is from amanda.conf

define dumptype nas-files {
    program "GNUTAR"
    comment "High priority"
    priority high
    record no

and this is the disklist file

tycho.wmi.com    /iomega                 nas-files       -1      local

One other thing I don't understand is is I change my amanda.conf to say

    program "DUMP"

and the hide the rundump program it doesn't complain. If I do a ps while

a backup is in progress I see that dump is running.

Any insights you could offer would be greatly appreciated. If we need to

upgrade our amanda I'll do that. It's something we want to do but there
are a bunch of other upgrades we want to do first. If that's my only
then I'll have to do it now.

  - Joel

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