On Fri, 21 Mar 2003 at 1:20am, Mats Blomstrand wrote

> Hi all
> I have a very large disk (700GB) where my users have their $HOME's.
> Can someone please help me with a example disklist file for user 'foo'
> and 'bar' on separate "images"?
> Reading manpages, the amanda chapter and other textfiles i have come
> up with this:
> hostname home_foo /home/foo {
>   normal_backup
> } 1
> hostname home_bar /home/bar {
>   normal_backup
> } 1
> Can this be right?  (im confused...)

What are you confused about?  When using tar (as your dumptype is), a 
diskdevice can be any directory.  So, actually, the disknames in your DLEs 
are redundant.  For such a situation, I just do:

hostname /home/foo dumptype
hostname /home/bar dumptype

> What happens if i write
>   exclude /home/*
>   include /home/foo
> or
>   include /home/foo
>   exclude /home/*
> ? Either one seems backward-logic to me.

For those types of entries, your diskdevice would need to be the same over 
multiple DLEs:

hostname /home/foo /home {
   include ./foo
hostname /home/bar /home {
   include ./bar

I think part of what you're missing is that if you put an include in your 
dumptype, it overrides the default include *.  Puzzle over the included 
example disklist -- it took me a while, but I finally grokked 
include/exclude/etc by looking at that and amanda(8).

Good luck.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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