Thanks all.  As a few of you mentioned the files have the shorter name 
during the dump.  I have the script picking the most recent log entry to 
parse for displaying the numbers and modified it so it will find the shorter 
names (amdump.*) rather than, eg, (amdump.[0-9]) so MRTG will be charting 
data from the active log during the dump but will find and chart summary 
data once the dumps are finished.



At 10:40 AM 3/24/2003, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
>On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 at 10:11am, Matthew Moffitt wrote
>3 *very* long lines.  Please have Eudora put in some line breaks.  Thanks.
>> Is there a file I could be pulling data from DURING the dump so I can 
>> chart, for instance, number of files systems that have been backed up, 
>> or a count of bytes sent off to tape?  admump.1 or log.<currentdate>.0 
>> only seem to be updated once the dump is complete so I only have the 
>> summary information after it is finished.
>I belive the in-progress files are simply 'log' and 'amdump'.
>Joshua Baker-LePain
>Department of Biomedical Engineering
>Duke University

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