On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 02:30:35PM -0800, Glen Kaukola enlightened us:
> Hi,
> I've installed Amanda 2.4.2p2-9 installed on a Red Hat 7.3 system so I 
> can back up some of our data.  I've got it working for backing up the 
> /etc directory on the local machine, but it fails to back up the data 
> from a remote machine even though I get no errors when I run amcheck.
> In the summary email I get after running amdump it says this about the 
> remote machine:
>   ammonia        /home/web lev 0 FAILED [missing result for /home/web 
> in ammonia response]
> When I look at the logs it's telling me that my remote machine is 
> failing to send back estimates.  So would anyone know why this is 
> happening and how I can fix it?

If there's a firewall in between, you'll want to read PORTS.USAGE in the
amanda documentation. Amcheck will work, but amdump can fail.


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263

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