I have the same problem with my amanda 2.4.3 (FreeBSD 4.7)
I upgraded my FreeBSD ports collection and to upgrade KDE 3.0 -> 3.1 and didn't think of this as a major upgrade (that would affect my systems stability) and therefore have no numbers or anything to bring here for information. But come to think of it, exactly from the point when i upgraded, i'm getting these messages. At first i thought that my one of my tapes is buggy and erased it before relabeling and running amflush. Now second one failed. That made me curious... i was firightened that all of my tapes are ruined (by some magnetic smth or what ever) as they are all in one place. After flushing this tape i put in next one and ran amcheck (i didn't think of this as a sticky problem in the first place and hoped only one of my tapes was problematic therefore didn't precheck previous tapes). Amcheck ran fine and without any errors... i'll find out tomorrow, if amdump also has no errors. Also i can restore from the tape written before upgrade (at least when using dummy hostname amrestore lists all files, I did not try actual restore) If the problem persists, i dig further more into it, so far this is ment as information that this problem has occured elsewere too. Laas Toom Now i put a next tape in and run am On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Toomas Aas wrote: > Hello! > > My Amanda server is running 2.4.3b4. Three days ago I upgraded the > operating system from FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE-p6 to 4.7-RELEASE-p9. This is > really just some security patches to sendmail, libc and openssl. Since > the upgrade Amanda thinks that all the backup tapes that were written > before the upgrade are "not Amanda tapes". > > After I re-label the tape, Amanda agrees to write the backup to it and > also I can successfully amrestore it later. But it seems that, should > the need arise to restore from a pre-upgrade tape, I would be in > trouble because those tapes are 'not Amanda tapes'. I suppose I could > still read the dump images with dd, though? > > Over the last couple of years I've done many OS upgrades on this Amanda > server and this is the first time I see such problem. Has anyone else > seen it? > -- > Toomas Aas | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.raad.tartu.ee/~toomas/ > * It's always darkest right before you step on the cat. >