On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 03:29:38PM -0500, Keith wrote:
> We have Amanda configured to back up to disk files
> and have that working fine (maybe) and with samba/windows
> directories and gnutar. Anyway it appears to be working.
> But I can't get a restore to work. My test file is:
> /usr/backup/amandadumps/tape04/data/00002.JESSIE.__Html_za__setup$.1
> and its 65536 bytes.
> >From the directory I'm trying: 
> >amrestore 00002.JESSIE*
> It says: 
> amrestore:   0: restoring JESSIE.__Html_za__setup$.20030319.1 
> And it creates a file:
> JESSIE.__Html_za__setup$.20030319.1
> but with 0 bytes.
> What am I doing wrong or not doing right?

You can't restore a level 1 without first restoring its level 0.  Also,
you need to read amrestore(8).  To quote:

Unless -p is used, candidate backup images  are  extracted
to files in the current directory named:


You will want to use the -p option to amrestore to pipe its output into
tar in order to get the files back.

Brandon D. Valentine
Systems Administrator
Center for Structural Biology
Vanderbilt University

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