--On Tuesday, May 27, 2003 14:48:39 -0500 "Martin, Jeremy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have amanda working ok backing the server up as well as another client. However I'm still not quite certain I understand how the restore process works.

I want to have one full backup every 7 days, so I understand that each day the "tape" 
(still just using a local folder to simulate tapes for now) would get about 1/7th of the data 
written to it + any incremental data. But I'm not sure how I can
determine which tapes I need to restore in the event that a restore is necessary.

Let's say I have been backing up the /usr folder and it has been slightly change every 
day for the past week. So I'd have to restore the backup from 7 days ago, then from 6 
days ago, then 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 days ago? Or does amanda have some way to search
for a given file name or folder name and it will then spit out which tape(s) I'd need 
to restore to get those files or that folder back?

Amanda keeps track of what is on which tape, so amrecover will tell you which tape(s) you need and prompt you for them as they are needed. Also, you probably won't end up with 7 backup levels but most likely just need two or three tapes since Amanda will fall back to a lower level backup if too much has changed.


Apologies if this gets asked a lot, I've found answers to a number of other questions I had in the list archive but I couldn't figure out what terms to search for to find the answer to this.

Jeremy Martin
Network Technician

-- Frank Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673 Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

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