
> Is there an easy way to "UNINSTALL" Amanda? I need to do this because well
> first of all this isn't a server anymore and it was set up as user
> "operator", and all my other clients are using "amanda" user.
> I'd like to completely uninstall everything server/client and then install a
> new version (amanda-client-2.4.3-4) with user as "amanda".

If the existing version was installed from FreeBSD ports, you can do
something like this to uninstall it:

pkg_delete amanda-client-2.4.3b2
pkg_delete amanda-server-2.4.3b2

Then update your ports tree (see the FreeBSD handbook for details)

And then...

cd /usr/ports/misc/amanda-client
make AMANDA_USER=amanda AMANDA_GROUP=backup install

I know everyone here recommends that you get the latest source tarball
and build Amanda yourself from that, but the FreeBSD ports have worked
really well for me, FWIW.

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