----- Original Message -----
From: "Gene Heskett"
To: "Wojciech Jedliczka"; "Kevin Passey"
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: Configuring RH7.2 Amanda out of the box - error accessing Ama
nda hosts file.

> On Saturday 31 May 2003 04:40, Wojciech Jedliczka wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >> I thought that once I sent the mail so I added both it now looks
> >> like
> >>
> >> dilmom.as400resource.com amanda
> >> dilmom amanda
> >>
> >> Still no Joy !!
> >>
> >> Thanks for your reply anyway.
> >>
> >> Regards
> >>
> >> Kevin
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >>
> >> *snip*
> >>
> >> > Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
> >> > --------------------------------
> >> > ERROR: dilmom: [access as amanda not allowed from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> > open of /home/amanda/.amandahosts failed
> >> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >
> >Check the owner and permisions of  '/home/amanda/.amandahosts' -
> >should be amanda.disk and 660.
> >
> >WJ
> Nope, 0600.  RTM please.
> --
> Cheers, Gene

I always RTFM many times.
Inside all docs files in amanda distribution is no place
giving suggestion about .amandahosts permissions.
Amandahosts file is used for authorization and therefore
it is important who owns these file and who has access
to read and write.
>From the security point of view is better to has 600
than 660 but both are acceptable for me.

The only one place where you can find a note about
.amandahost file permissions is www.backupcentral.com/amanda-13.html
which I am treating as a guide for the Amanda written some day
in the past.

When I am trying to help someone via list I am usually checking
my servers settings and not always RTFM. In this case I have
checked my RH9 Amanda server installed during RH9 automatic
built. Amandahosts has 660 so that is why I have sent such
suggestion for Kevin. My second Amanda server built from
source has .amandahosts 600.

Cheers, Wojtek

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