On Monday 02 June 2003 17:41, Paolo Supino wrote:
> I'm starting to look like a freaking RTFM kind of guy :(
>Don't know how I keep missing the obvious (1st the manpage now this
> more (idiotic) questions: Do the global dumpcycle and the one
>inside the backup type mean the same thing? If so do they have
>to have the same entry? and then what should I put in the global
>dumpcycle, runspercycle and tapecycle?
AFAIK, you set this stuff once, in amanda.conf, and yes its global.  
Thats the ONLY place its to be recorded and used that I'm aware of.

>-----Original Message-----
From: Jon LaBadie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 9:42 PM
>Subject: Re: strategy
>On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 08:43:21PM +0300, Paolo Supino wrote:
>> Hi
>>   Last week I installed amanda on a new network and in the
>> configuration I gave it: strategy noinc. For some unkonwn
>> reason amanda ignored the strategy and complained about
>> not being able to complete incremental backups. Today I
>Doesn't that suggest it was not ignoring the strategy?
>Sounds like it wanted to do incrementals but complained
>it was not allowed to because of the strategy.  Guessing here.
>> tried to put noinc in double quotes (" ") and I ran amcheck
>> after saving the configuration. Amanda printed the following
>> error:
>> "/etc/amanda/daily/amanda.conf", line 259: STANDARD or NOFULL
>> expected amcheck: errors processing config file
>> "/etc/amanda/daily/amanda.conf" Except for the fact that amanda
>> didn't like the quotes, why does it complain that only STANDARD
>> and NOFULL are expected? What about the other strategy options?
>Left over, unchanged message from when only the two strategies were
>However, more reading would uncover in amanda.conf:
>#   strategy    - set the dump strategy.  Valid strategies are
> currently: # ...
>#                 "noinc"    - do level 0 dumps every time.
>#                              Unfortunately, this is not currently

Cheers, Gene
99.26% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly
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Copyright 2003 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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