I ran into something similar a while back that got me banging my head
against the wall, so here it goes...

Are you sure you are changing the xinetd config that is actually being used?
Assuming you are on RedHat or similar, are you changing /etc/xinetd.conf or
/etc/xinetd.d/amanda ?
I believe the xinetd.d entry takes precedence.

Are you restartting xinetd or just getting it to reload the config file?
restarting might be a safer bet.

Are you maybe accidentally running iptables on that interface?
/etc/init.d/iptables status might be enlightening here.

Do you see any effects changing when connecting after config changes?
What's the output of xinetd in the message log when it starts up?

Last resort: pull out tcpdump or ethereal and see what's actually happening
on the wire.

just my $.02


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mike Eldridge
> Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 12:06 PM
> To: Wayne Richards
> Subject: Re: problems using amanda with xinetd
> On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 02:36:57PM -0400, Wayne Richards wrote:
> > Well, now Mike, here's my setup and it works fine:
> :(
> i've heard dozens of people say that.  i've tried dozens of permutations
> of setup.
> > {
> >         socket_type             = dgram
> >         protocol                = udp
> >         wait                    = yes
> >         user                    = amanda
> >         group                   = disk
> >         server                  =
> /home/backup/Linux-intel/libexec/amandad
> >         disable                 = no
> > }
> >
> > Other than the path to the server being different and having no
> server_args or
> > groups line or having a disable line, the two configs look
> about the same.
> i've tried with and without the groups, server_args, and disable line.
> i've seen several configs with wait=no, so i tried that as well.  i've
> even tried it without the wait line.  no effect.  :(
> maybe i should replace xinetd on this machine...
> -mike
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