On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 12:12, Harry Mbang wrote:
> Hi Joshua,
> amlabel gave an [input/output error] tapelist not found. Sorry cannot
> give you the exact message because at this time the tape drive is
> disconnected from the linux box.  However, I have the log for when I
> last ran amdump and it asks for the tapelist too.  Here it is:
> *********************************************************************
> FATAL planner could not load tapelist "/etc/Amanda/test/tapelist"
> START driver date 20030612
> WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
> STATS driver startup time 0.004
> FATAL taper could not load tapelist "/etc/Amanda/test/tapelist"
> FATAL driver reading result from taper: Connection reset by peer
> **********************************************************************


It sounds like you are trying to run amdump before you have any
AMANDA-ized tapes.  You need to label some tapes before you can start
running AMANDA.  When you run amlabel it will create the tapelist file
automatically.  If there is a low-level problem with the drive, amlabel
might complain about that.  Solving that will be highly OS/tape drive

After labeling some tapes, run amcheck to make sure AMANDA can
communicate with the clients you've specified in the disklist, that she
has enough holding disk space (if configured) and that the correct tape
is loaded/writable.  Any config problems should show up at this point.

If amcheck passes, then you are clear to try your first amdump.


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