On Sat, Jun 14, 2003 at 04:39:06PM -0500, Alex Thurlow wrote:
> I'm having a strange error that I'm don't think is actually due to an 
> amanda config problem, but I'm seeing it through amanda, so I was hoping 
> someone could help me out.  I have a machine that I'm backing up /etc and 
> /home on.  Amanda backs up /etc fine, but it never backs up /home.
> The mail report just says: "mail2 /home lev 0 FAILED [mesg read: Connection 
> timed out]"
> And the log says:
> FAIL dumper mail2 /home 0 [mesg read: Connection timed out]
>   sendbackup: start [mail2:/home level 0]
>   sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/tar
>   sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/gzip -dc |/bin/tar -f... -
>   sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz
>   sendbackup: info end
> I've tried multiple IP addresses on the machine to try to make sure it's 
> not a networking problem.  I'm pretty much stumped here, so I was hoping 
> someone could help me out.

Might this be a Solaris, or other system with an "automounted" /home directory.
If so, perhaps what should be backed up the actual storage directory, like
/export/home, if that is it.

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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