
(Assuming dump utility), Amanda will schedule a level 0 every (at most)
dump cycle if not more frequently. When the dump level is advances, to
say level 1, if the user file is modified it will appear on each level 1
until dump level becomes 2. If the file is again modified it will appear
on each level 2...

You have a tape cycle of 10, what is your dump cycle ? Certain less than
10, hopefully less than 5. 5 given one untouched copy of the your level
0 backup while the older level 0 is being overwritten (assuming a single
level 0 per dump cycle).

What are you trying to do ?

Are you talking about mid-day snapshots ?

Are you looking for periodic level 0 that are outside of the
normal tape pool or rotation ?

> currently, i have a backup schedule that uses ten tapes over ten days. 
> however, i think this just provides one recent copy of a given file.
> periodically, i'd like to create snapshots (full backups) in case 
> someone has a corrupt file that went unnoticed since the last backup.
> what's the best way to do this?  can i change my current config somehow, 
> or should i create an additional config that runs the full backups?
> thanks

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