1. Is it possible to force amanda to use one tape --
writing to it in
a contiguious manner (i.e., not overwriting it every

2. As I am quite new to AMANDA in general I would
greatly appreciate
any suggestions one could provide in helping me
optimize my current
configuration. All of the setup information, backup
schemes, and
configuration files have been added to this post.

------------------------   The Setup
I am currently working in a very small environment
consisting of two
Red Hat Linux servers, and one windows server. The
tape drive is a
VXA-2 tape drive and we currently have three v23
Exabyte tapes (~80

Problem area:
I am at school only 3 days out of the week, becuase of
this only one
tape can be used a week.

------------------------   The backup Scheme 
1 tape per week would backup 3 servers. (at least 2
full dumps per 

On the first day of the week (mon) a new tape will be

+                             AMANDA.conf             
org "CESSDaily" 
mailto "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"              
dumpuser "amanda"       
inparallel 4            
netusage  600 Kbps      
dumpcycle 1 weeks       
tapecycle 1 tapes       
bumpsize 20 Mb          
bumpdays 1              
bumpmult 4              
etimeout 300            
tapedev "/dev/nst0"     
tapetype v23            
labelstr "^CESSDaily[0-9][0-9]*$"       
holdingdisk hd1 {
    comment "main holding disk"
    directory "/var/tmp"        
    use -117 Mb         
infofile "/var/lib/amanda/CESSDaily/curinfo"    
logdir   "/var/lib/amanda/CESSDaily"            
indexdir "/var/lib/amanda/CESSDaily/index"      
define tapetype v23 {
    comment "V23 tape used with VXA-2"  
    length 63917 mbytes
    filemark 3272 kbytes
    speed 3301 kps
define dumptype global {
    comment "Global definitions"

Note: Nothing below this line has been edited

+                               disklist              
# fooserver1, or (Backup Server)
fooserver1      hda3    nocomp-high -1 local
fooserver1      hda1    nocomp-high -1 local
fooserver1      hda7    nocomp-high -1 local
fooserver1      hda8    nocomp-high -1 local
fooserver1      hda9    nocomp-high -1 local
fooserver1      hda2    nocomp-high -1 local
fooserver1      hda5    nocomp-high -1 local
fooserver1      hda6    nocomp-high -1 local

# fooserver2, or (Backup Client)
fooserver2      /dev/sda5       comp-high
fooserver2      /dev/sda1       comp-high
fooserver2      /dev/sda3       comp-high
fooserver2      /dev/sda2       comp-high
fooserver2      /dev/sda6       comp-high

#Windows server ommited for brevity.

Thank you,

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