I am currently experiencing problems with Amanda backup runs completing
successfully, supposedly due to running out of tape.  I am using
Amanda 2.4.3 on a FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE machine, backing up to 35/70GB
DLT 7000 drive.  Compression is enabled on the drive, and we are also
using compression within Amanda.  We are getting nowhere near the
expected 70GB compressed capacity of the tapes.

I would guess that something is misconfigured somehow, and I am simply
not catching it.  If somebody else has suggestions or information on how
to deal with these problems, it would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in

--Joshua D. Bello

Relevant info:

## mt status output ##

Mode      Density              Blocksize      bpi      Compression
Current:  0x1b:DLTapeIV(35GB)    variable       85937    IDRC
---------available modes---------
0:        0x1b:DLTapeIV(35GB)    variable       85937    IDRC
1:        0x1b:DLTapeIV(35GB)    variable       85937    IDRC
2:        0x1b:DLTapeIV(35GB)    variable       85937    IDRC
3:        0x1b:DLTapeIV(35GB)    variable       85937    IDRC
Current Driver State: at rest.
File Number: 0  Record Number: 0        Residual Count 0

## Relevant lines of amanda.conf ##

define tapetype DLT7000 {
    comment "Quantum DLT7000"
    length 35000 mbytes         # 35Gb tapes
    filemark 8 kbytes           # as per all examples 
    look like this
    speed 10 mbytes             # not sure about this just yet
    #speed 2500 kbytes

## An example of the lines in disklist ##

ra              /               comp-root
ra              /var            comp-high
ra              /usr/local      comp-user
ra              /local0         comp-high

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