
I'm getting some weird requests from amanda.  It keeps
asking for one tape, but will dump to the correct tape
every now and then...  

Here's what I mean:

I have a 20 tape rotation, and my tapes are labeled
Weeklyset0101 - 0105; Weeklyset0201 -
0205;Weeklyset0301 - 0305; Weeklyset0401 - 0405.

Recently, the backups to Weeklyset0201,Weeklyset0202,
and Weeklyset0203 were successful (mon, tues, wed). 
On thurs night amanda asked for Weeklyset0202 again. 
Since I had in Weeklyset0204 in the drive, the backups
went to disk.  I did not flush on friday, however, the
backup on friday night worked to tape Weeklyset0205. 
I find that rather odd...  Can anyone offer any


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