Paul Bijnens wrote:
H.Caglar Bilir wrote:

the problem is, how can i trace this error. i looked at the x machines' /tmp/amanda directory and found a core file dated as just after sendsize file and before amandad file. the output on amandad file is as follows:

I have no recent experience with AIX. Try "file core". Some implementations of "file" indicate which program crashed.
"strings core" can help too.

Amanda 2.4 REQ HANDLE 023-2005C048 SEQ 1057772088
SERVICE sendsize
OPTIONS maxdumps=1;hostname=x;
GNUTAR hd2 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 -1
DUMP hd1 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 -1

amandad: time 0.000: sending ack:
Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 023-2005C048 SEQ 1057772088

amandad: time 0.012: bsd security: remote host user dumpuse
r local user dumpuser
amandad: time 0.012: amandahosts security check passed
amandad: time 0.012: running service "/usr/local/libexec/sendsize"
amandad: time 0.190: sending REP packet:
Amanda 2.4 REP HANDLE 023-2005C048 SEQ 1057772088

At this position, I would expect to see the actual sizes.
The reply packet seems empty.  So the core is probably
from sendsize.
There should be a file "sendsize.aboutsamedatestamp.debug" too.
Any error message in that file, (maybe just before dumping core)?

both sendsize and selfcheck programs generate core file(after some hand tests - and core files are renamed)
if i look to the actual backup time : core file is because sendsize. the related sendsize file is as follows:
>less sendsize.20030709203046.debug
sendsize: debug 1 pid 528590 ruid 211 euid 211: start at Wed Jul 9 20:30:46 200
sendsize: version 2.4.4p1

any ideas?

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