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Hello amanda-users,

I'm in the process of setting up a new Amanda installation.  This is
installed on new Dell Xeon hardware, with an Overland tape loader using
LTO tapes.

The Amanda server is running RedHat 9, the client systems are running
RedHat 7.1-7.3.  They all have the current version of Amanda installed: 2.4.4p1

Amanda is working fine for the local system (localhost).  It backs up

My problem comes when I try to backup other systems.  amcheck reports no
errors, but when I do the backup I get the message listed below.

Before I post the entire configuration, I'm wondering if this is simply
a timeout problem.  Right now I have the timeout set to:

          etimeout 3000

When I first tried this, I had the etimeout set to 300.  When it failed, all
the lines in the message said that the estimate timed out, so I increased.
Now I'm getting additional messages saying that amandad is busy, then the
timeout messages.

I've also included the output from df for the two systems that are failing.

Thanks in advance.


============== Begin Amanda Mail Report ===============
These dumps were to tape DL0001.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.

  ch2.questi /usr lev 0 FAILED [ch2.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  ch2.questi /home lev 0 FAILED [ch2.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  ch2.questi /export2 lev 0 FAILED [ch2.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  ch2.questi /export lev 0 FAILED [ch2.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  ch2.questi /oracle lev 0 FAILED [ch2.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  ch2.questi /etc lev 0 FAILED [ch2.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  ch2.questi /sbin lev 0 FAILED [ch2.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  ch2.questi /root lev 0 FAILED [ch2.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  ch2.questi /var lev 0 FAILED [ch2.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  ch2.questi /lib lev 0 FAILED [ch2.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  ch2.questi /bin lev 0 FAILED [ch2.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  survey.que /usr lev 0 FAILED [survey.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  survey.que /home lev 0 FAILED [survey.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  survey.que /export2 lev 0 FAILED [survey.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  survey.que /export lev 0 FAILED [survey.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  survey.que /oracle lev 0 FAILED [survey.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  survey.que /etc lev 0 FAILED [survey.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  survey.que /var lev 0 FAILED [survey.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  survey.que /sbin lev 0 FAILED [survey.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  survey.que /root lev 0 FAILED [survey.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  survey.que /lib lev 0 FAILED [survey.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  survey.que /bin lev 0 FAILED [survey.questionmarket.comNAK :  amandad busy]
  ch2.questi /usr lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from ch2.questionmarket.com]
  ch2.questi /home lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from ch2.questionmarket.com]
  ch2.questi /export2 lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from ch2.questionmarket.com]
  ch2.questi /export lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from ch2.questionmarket.com]
  ch2.questi /oracle lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from ch2.questionmarket.com]
  ch2.questi /etc lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from ch2.questionmarket.com]
  ch2.questi /sbin lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from ch2.questionmarket.com]
  ch2.questi /root lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from ch2.questionmarket.com]
  ch2.questi /var lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from ch2.questionmarket.com]
  ch2.questi /lib lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from ch2.questionmarket.com]
  ch2.questi /bin lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from ch2.questionmarket.com]
  survey.que /usr lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from survey.questionmarket.com]
  survey.que /home lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from survey.questionmarket.com]
  survey.que /export2 lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from survey.questionmarket.com]
  survey.que /export lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from survey.questionmarket.com]
  survey.que /oracle lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from survey.questionmarket.com]
  survey.que /etc lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from survey.questionmarket.com]
  survey.que /var lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from survey.questionmarket.com]
  survey.que /sbin lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from survey.questionmarket.com]
  survey.que /root lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from survey.questionmarket.com]
  survey.que /lib lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from survey.questionmarket.com]
  survey.que /bin lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from survey.questionmarket.com]

                          Total       Full      Daily
                        --------   --------   --------
Estimate Time (hrs:min)    9:10
Run Time (hrs:min)         9:13
Dump Time (hrs:min)        0:02       0:02       0:00
Output Size (meg)         455.4      455.4        0.0
Original Size (meg)      1099.7     1099.7        0.0
Avg Compressed Size (%)    41.4       41.4        --
Filesystems Dumped            2          2          0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)      4304.8     4304.8        --

Tape Time (hrs:min)        0:01       0:01       0:00
Tape Size (meg)           455.4      455.4        0.0
Tape Used (%)               0.4        0.4        0.0
Filesystems Taped             2          2          0
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s) 12833.4    12833.4        --

  Label        Time      Size      %    Nb
  DL0001       0:01     455.4    0.4     2

  planner: Adding new disk localhost:/.
  planner: Adding new disk localhost:/opt/backups.
  planner: Adding new disk ch2.questionmarket.com:/bin.
  planner: Adding new disk ch2.questionmarket.com:/lib.
  planner: Adding new disk ch2.questionmarket.com:/var.
  planner: Adding new disk ch2.questionmarket.com:/root.
  planner: Adding new disk ch2.questionmarket.com:/sbin.
  planner: Adding new disk ch2.questionmarket.com:/etc.
  planner: Adding new disk ch2.questionmarket.com:/oracle.
  planner: Adding new disk ch2.questionmarket.com:/export.
  planner: Adding new disk ch2.questionmarket.com:/export2.
  planner: Adding new disk ch2.questionmarket.com:/home.
  planner: Adding new disk ch2.questionmarket.com:/usr.
  planner: Adding new disk survey.questionmarket.com:/bin.
  planner: Adding new disk survey.questionmarket.com:/lib.
  planner: Adding new disk survey.questionmarket.com:/root.
  planner: Adding new disk survey.questionmarket.com:/sbin.
  planner: Adding new disk survey.questionmarket.com:/var.
  planner: Adding new disk survey.questionmarket.com:/etc.
  planner: Adding new disk survey.questionmarket.com:/oracle.
  planner: Adding new disk survey.questionmarket.com:/export.
  planner: Adding new disk survey.questionmarket.com:/export2.
  planner: Adding new disk survey.questionmarket.com:/home.
  planner: Adding new disk survey.questionmarket.com:/usr.
  taper: tape DL0001 kb 466432 fm 2 [OK]

                                          DUMPER STATS             TAPER STATS
- - ------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------
ch2.questi /bin               0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
ch2.questi /etc               0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
ch2.questi /export            0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
ch2.questi /export2           0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
ch2.questi /home              0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
ch2.questi /lib               0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
ch2.questi /oracle            0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
ch2.questi /root              0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
ch2.questi /sbin              0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
ch2.questi /usr               0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
ch2.questi /var               0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
localhost  /                  0 1126070  466313  41.4   1:484305.7   0:3413654.2
localhost  /opt/backups       0      10       1  10.0   0:00   0.0   0:02   0.5
survey.que /bin               0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
survey.que /etc               0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
survey.que /export            0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
survey.que /export2           0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
survey.que /home              0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
survey.que /lib               0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
survey.que /oracle            0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
survey.que /root              0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
survey.que /sbin              0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
survey.que /usr               0 FAILED ----------------------------------------
survey.que /var               0 FAILED ----------------------------------------

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.4p1)

============== End Amanda Mail Report =================

=========== DF of survey.questionmarket.com ============
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5              2016016     94056   1819548   5% /
/dev/hda1                23302      2975     19124  14% /boot
/dev/hda7              1011928     13064    947460   2% /home
/dev/hda6              2016016   1009472    904132  53% /oracle
/dev/hda8              1517920   1236396    204416  86% /usr
/dev/hda10             7677052   3604256   3682820  50% /var
/dev/hdc1             39389776  20521320  16867564  55% /export
/dev/hda11             4965064        16   4712832   1% /export2
===========End of df for survey ========================

==============DF of ch2.questionmarket.com ==============
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5              2016016    287040   1626564  15% /
/dev/hda1                23302     15447      6652  70% /boot
/dev/hda7              1011928     24456    936068   3% /home
/dev/hda6              2016016   1009484    904120  53% /oracle
/dev/hda8              1517920   1273468    167344  89% /usr
/dev/hda10             7677052   5206584   2080492  72% /var
/dev/hda11             4459112   3683076    549524  88% /export2
/dev/hdc5             24803768  19294608   4249164  82% /export
============== End of df for ch2 ========================

- - ---
 Jonathan B. Bayer                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (MingW32)


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