> Anders Norrbring wrote:
> > Well, me too..  But, there are others using the system, and the don't
> always
> > 'settle' for a nightly backup of entire systems.  They need (for a
> reason
> > I'm too stupid to understand) backups every now and then of files they
> need
> > to archive immediately (at any time *sigh*) and store away in their
> private
> > office safe. (?)
> For these kind of request (I get them too), I burn a CD.  Better,
> there is a CD-burner for them to use; my job is just to give them
> the CD's.  They have their precious data to carry with them, and
> they know what to label it, and where to store it.
> We're soon going to install a DVD burner too, because the amount
> of data they need to store is increasing too.

Well, I don't know the exact reason to why the don't accept that..  After
all, if should've been from a security view there's absolutely no point.  I
too think it should be just as easy, or even easier to manage a cd-writer..
But they won't accept it.

Oh, well.. I'll see what I can come up with.. *sigh*

*IUWT-LWBE*  (If users weren't there - Life would be easier)


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