On Sat, Jul 19, 2003 at 11:53:21AM +0200, Christoffer Dahl Petersen wrote:
> lÞr, 2003-07-19 kl. 10:30 skrev Gene Heskett:
> > Well, this is missing one vital piece of info, but it looks as if you 
> > taped one filesystem only, and it was close to 12Gb.  Then it didn't 
> > have room for the next one of 26Gb.  How big is the tape in raw 
> > capacity?
> The Tapes says: 40/80GB
> And my tapedrive is a HP Surestore DAT40I 
> (http://amanda.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/fom?_highlightWords=hp%20surestore&file=132)

Where did you ever get the notion that it is 40/80 GB.
There is no DAT/DDS format of those capacities.

There is a DAT/DDS format, and the one reported in the above URL,
of 20/40 GB.  I.e. 20GB native capacity, approximately 40GB of
compressed data.

Some significant data from your report:
(BTW you could use the columnspec to format it better)

                                     DUMPER STATS
> HOSTNAME     DISK        L ORIG-KB   OUT-KB   COMP%  MMM:SS   KB/s ...
> -------------------------- --------------------------------------- ...
> filserver    /home/files 0 22174760  12175968  54.9  167:58 1208.1 ...
> filserver2   -ome/files2 0 FAILED

Your first DLE was 22GB native and compressed with gzip to 12GB.
Things failed on the second DLE

>   taper: tape daglig3 kb 25720480 fm 2 writing file: Input/output error

Your tape filled to overflow at 25GB on the second DLE.

That is a surprising number to me, 25GB, unless the second DLE was
not being compressed by gzip.

Another thing to note; you are not using your holding disk at all.
Both DLE's were going direclty to tape.  Evidence for this is
1) the identity between the dump stats and the taper stats (compare
   with above
2) the lack of dumper stats for the 2nd DLE.

>                            ...   TAPER STATS
> HOSTNAME     DISK        L ...   MMM:SS   KB/s
> -------------------------- ...   ---------------
> filserver    /home/files 0 ...   167:59  1208.1
> filserver2   -ome/files2 0 ...   FAILED

Another oddity, another part of your report says 12GB were taped
and that was 35% of tape capacity.  That implies your tapetype is
claiming a native capacity of 12/0.35 or about 34GB.  What is your
tapetype.  Not the one in the URL you mentioned.  That was 19.5GB.

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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